Feb 10, 2025 12:00 PM
Dr. Christopher de Gara
"You Can't Outrun Your Fork"

Chris is a bariatric and oncology cancer surgeon, and founder of the Bariatric Surgery Revision Clinic

Obesity has been steadily increasing in the developed world since the 1980’s but is now considered to be a global epidemic. It is estimated that 1 in 8 people worldwide live with obesity. In the US, 300,000 deaths are attributable annually to obesity. In 2021, Alberta recognized obesity as a chronic disease. 

Dr Chris de Gara MBBS, MS, FRCS (Ed, Eng & C) is an Emeritus Professor of Surgery at the University of Alberta who practiced for many years as a general and oncology cancer surgeon, but who now specializes in bariatric surgery. His Rotary Club address entitled "You Cannot Outrun Your Fork" will focus on bariatrics in the age of Ozempic, and the causes, effects and ways to deal with obesity. 

Dr. deGara attended schools in Peterborough UK and graduated from the Middlesex Hospital Medical School, University of London in 1977. He was a junior surgical registrar at the Middlesex and St Bartholomew’s Hospitals after which he became registrar at The Portsmouth group of Hospitals. Moving to McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario, he was a senior resident before joining the faculty and staff and was made an associate professor of surgery and a GI Fellow. His research and studies included a focus on peptic ulcer disease. In 2012, he was recruited by the University of Alberta where he became an Associate Professor practicing in general surgery and surgical oncology, and later, bariatric surgery. Dr. de Gara’s Administrative roles have included Director of the Physician Learning Program (CME), Director of the Bariatric Surgery Revision clinic, University of Alberta Senator, Provost Fellow, and President of the Canadian Association of General Surgeons. He is the author of three recently published books:

·         Tastes of Europe. A Surgeon’s Approach to Home Cooking
·         History’s Eminent Surgeons
·         You Cannot Outrun Your Fork and other Obesity Related Truths


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