Rotary Club of Edmonton is holding weekly Zoom online meetings on Mondays at 12 pm (noon) lasting 45 to 60 minutes.  
We welcome all to join - fellow Rotarians, former (inactive) Rotary Club of Edmonton members and guests.
Check out the "Events" on the right hand side of this website for speakers and topics. 
In the event description is the Zoom link to join our meeting. 
(Please note: we ask you to mute during the actual meeting to give lead to the speaker and to eliminate background noise. We will unmute all for the Q & A session.
Current AHS regulations state there are to be NO indoor meetings larger than 15 people.  Rotary International, and our District 5370 advise clubs to remain online. So until this changes we will continue to hold online Zoom.  
The Chateau Lacombe Hotel has told us to expect this to continue until perhaps spring 2021.