Abuse & Harassment Policy
Rotary Clubs place great emphasis on their work with people in the community,
including young people, the elderly and people with disabilities, through Rotary’s
many programs including RYLA, RYPEN, mentoring programs and Rotary Youth
Exchange. This volunteer effort is vital to the quality of life in our communities and
to the good reputation of Rotary and Rotarians. For this good work to continue, it
is important that our Rotary clubs protect the interests of everyone involved, and
create and maintain a safe and respectful environment for all participants in Rotary
activities. It is the duty of all Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses, partners, and other
volunteers to safeguard to the best of their ability the welfare of and to prevent the
physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of every person at risk with whom they come
into contact, including children, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Fulfilling
this duty also safeguard the interests of Rotary Clubs and Rotarians by minimizing
their risk of liability, including legal liability, should a participant in a Rotary activity
become a victim of abuse.
District 5370 Policy Statement:
It is the responsibility of every Rotarian to safeguard the welfare of every person
with whom they come into contact during their activities as a Rotarian. Special
attention is to be given to children, the elderly, the disabled and other vulnerable
persons. This includes the prevention of physical, sexual or emotional abuse,
harassment and neglect.
To learn more, please visit: